our southern neighbours made a huge advancement in the development of American
kind as a people.
legalized same sex marriage.
** please note I had a very long internal
struggle on what image to use to show my support of this change, however in the
end I decided to use my own Facebook profile photo as that is DEFINITELY my
face, and so I have no fears on people saying I stole their picture**
I wholeheartedly believe that love has no sex, race, age or religion. When two people
(or three + people who have seriously figured their shit out) love each other,
there should be no limitations on the way they can express that love. If they
want to commit to each other through the bonds of marriage, that is their
right. Not just as Americans, or Canadians (FYI we’ve been doing this for over
a decade!), but as human beings. My standpoint on this entire thing is that it
should NEVER have been an issue, and should never have required “legalization”.
It should have been a basic human right from the get go. And now it is.
The flood
of rainbows over the last week has been something amazing to see. The support
of the LGBT community has been on a massive scale, and I know many people out there
never thought this day would come. Thank fucking God/Christ/Allah/Buddha/Cheese
it has.
there of course, is the negative repercussions of this change. The bigots, the
homophobic people that fear change and swear up and down that this is against
God’s plan. FYI, if there WAS a plan set in place by a God of any kind,
he/she/they gave us free will. And if they had a plan in place for the overall
scheme of the human race, if they didn’t want same sex couples to be there,
they wouldn’t have given us free will in the first place.
recent out pour of LGBT love has somehow made the straight people, regardless of
their stance on the whole same sex situation, feel alienated. Like
being straight is not the “in” thing to do, and they’re being singled out for
NOT being in a same sex relationship.
I just
wanted all of you out there, straight, gay, bisexual, transgendered, asexual, lesbian,
and others, to know that I accept your lifestyle choices. Because it is YOUR
lifestyle choice. I do not feel that if I’m not part of the LGBT crowd, I am
being singled out. I am just proud to be part of this monumental change.
If you want to be one of those boring straight couples, be straight.
If you
want to love a man, love a man.
If you
want to love a woman, love a woman.
If you
want to love yourself, love yourself.
If you
want to love a sock puppet, well… sure. Do that. And send me pictures because I am curious on how it works.
My love
for you has NOTHING to do with the person you choose to love. It has to do with
the person YOU are.
If I don’t like you, that also has NOTHING to do with the
person you choose to love. It has to do with the person YOU are. If you're an asshat, I will dislike you regardless of your choice in how you choose to have sex (with a mirror, scissoring, sword fights, scissoring sword fights [which sound very dangerous, fyi]).
I will dislike you for being a douchebag.
I am an accepting
person of undisclosed sexuality, and I am proud of it. So rather than share my “proud
to be straight” or “proud to be gay/lesbian/transgendered/bisexual” stance, I
share this one:
hoping that the future holds some more amazing milestones within my lifetime.