**please note that
by drunk email I mean I email when mostly asleep** - Dee also texted me at 9am,
without reading her email first. I did not kill her… yet
From: karin
To: dee
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 03:41:25 -0700
insomnia tried to kill me... and then made me paranoid. So I blogged about it. Dee my mind is really messed up and I can't get off this crazy train. FYI if i had died Neil and/or Liam had to assure you that I loved you, so remember that I thought to cover that basis before being attacked by the pillow creeper(s). please read my blog before asking me wtf i'm talking about. And then you can ask me wtf I'm talking about. because we'll be on the same page... unknowing in THE BOOK WITH NO TITLE! I'm really tired... I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooove you. If you text me really early (like before 10am) I may kill you though. Look at the time of this email! I AM STILL (mostly) AWAKE RIGHT NOW!
It's 330am right now, do you know where your Karin is? IN FUCKING BED WITH POSSIBLE CREEPERS
p.s. I don't know what a creeper is other than a creepy person that may be in bed. right there --->
p.p.s. I was going to edit this email, but i figured you'd enjoy it more if i didn't edit out the crazy to try and make sense. YOU'RE WELCOME
p.p.p.s. I don't even know what P.S. stands for. Why would you multiply the P? can't a P.S. just go on for a few paragraphs?
p.p.p.p.s. I googled it. It means "post script". Now i remember I knew that before. And thought it was stupid back then, much like I do now. Why not just move your p.s. thoughts above your signature and include it in the main letter? Because this is the fucking lazy way to do it, that's why. Stupid English and their lazy rules.
p.p.p.p.p.s. do you think they pronounce each P on its own? or is it more like a ppppps sound?
p.p.p.p.p.p.s. haha JUST KIDDING! I had no 6th ps to include, I was just yanking your chain.
p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. no wait, I did. I'm saving this email to my drafts folder too, so I can read it when I'm fully alert and awake and see if it still makes sense to me, or if it's even written in English. At this point, i may just be smushing the keyboard and *thinking* real words are coming out. WHO KNOWS! I'm really tired.